The publication date, availability and onymotope of the nomen Scincus cyanurus are assessed. The nomen was validly published by Lesson in 1830 and is based on a holophoront, probably from the island of Tahiti. Elements allowing the identification of the nomina cited in the synonymy of Scincus cyanurus are given. Eumeces lessonii Duméril & Bibron, 1839 is a replacement name of this nomen (alloneonym) and Emoia pheonura Ineich, 1987 is a subjective synonym (doxisonym) whereas the nomina Tiliqua lessonii Cocteau and Tiliqua kienerii Cocteau are unavailable as the part of the work of Cocteau proposing these nomina has not been published. The nomen“Scincus celestinus” is a gymnonym (nomen nudum) to be listed in the synonymy of Mocoa caeruleocauda De Vis, 1892 as confirmed by the identity of the specimens from the MNHN collections on which the nomen is based.
availability, publication date, synonymy